Thursday, October 28, 2004

MH-53E Take Off USS Duluth RIMPAC 2002

RImpac 2002 I shot this from the Signal Bridge of the USS Duluth. We were on our way over to participate in RIMPAC.
Captured By Beau

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Picture of a Beach Launch of a MK-105 Minesweeping Device taken from the back door of an MH-53E Helicopter.
Captured By Beau

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Port Aranasas, Texas in November of 2002

Port Aransas, Texas in November 2002 view looking out from the pier of the Coast Guard Station into the ship channel and Intercostal Waterway.
Captured By Beau

Friday, October 08, 2004

MK-105 Operations in the Port Aransas Ship Channel.

This is a picture of the Port Aransas Ship channel taken in February of 2002. We were doing MK-105 Minesweeping Operations. The Tanker you see just about ran over us. I was ring side on pier to watch this happen. It was quite a moment in Naval history.
Captured By Beau

Thursday, October 07, 2004

USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) Gulf of Mexico, NOV 2002.

Nice Picture of the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) taken in the Gulf of Mexico. We were about 80 miles south of Panama City, Florida. November, 2002. This picture was taken from a RHIB Boat and is one of my favorites.
Captured By Beau

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Loading a F-14 Tomcat April 1987

Loading an Aim-7 Sparrow on a VF-114, F-14 Tomcat onboard USS Enterprise CVN-65. Taken April of 1987. During Ernest Will.
Captured By Beau

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Lining Up For Underway Replinishment with USS Tipicanoe, June 2002

Captured By Beau

Pali Lookout Hawaii July 2002

Pali Lookout Hawaii over looking Pearl Harbor, It was unreal how cool the trade winds were up there that day.
Captured By Beau

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Kamakura, Japan Buda Shrine January of 1979.

This picture was taken in January of 1979.

I had just got over to Japan and the ship was at sea. With the free time I had I visited Kamakura Japan and saw the Buda. I was 19 in this picture.
Captured By Beau

Saturday, October 02, 2004

MK-105 Operations Mustang Island State Park, Texas February 2002

This picture here has been one of my favorites. I took this in Mustang Island State Park in February of 2002. This is HM-15 in Corpus Christi, Texas and we were doing our bi-annual MK-105 training.

Captured By Beau

This picture was taken in June of 2002 aboard the USS Duluth LPD-6. We were on our way to Hawaii for RIMPAC 2002 a saga that lasted some 3 months before I got home.

Captured By Beau

This picture was a double exposure I took on the USS Enterprise CVN-65 about 1987 we were in the Bering straits doing operations off Alaska. It was almost spring time so it wasn’t too cold.

Captured By Beau

This is an article out of the USS Midway Newspaper

This is an article out of the USS Midway ship newspaper notice the date on the top. This was 3 days after the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran by Iranian students on Nov. 4, 1979. Little did we know just a few days later we would be dispatched to Gonzo Station by then President Jimmy Carter.

Captured By Beau

Friday, October 01, 2004

Russian Bear Escorted by USS Midway November, 1979

This is a photo of a Russian Bear coming by the USS Midway November of 1979. I unfortunately got caught with B&W film that day.
Captured By Beau

Kirin Beer Label I Peeled in 1979, LOL

This is a beer label I saved all these years. Don't know why just peeled it and kept it. (LOL)
Captured By Beau

USS Midway Christimas Card, December 1979 on "Gonzo Station"

This picture was cut off a postcard we mailed home Christmas of 1979. I was standing in the S between I and T. That was a very lonely Christmas I spent out there. I had a plane ticket to come home and didnt get to use it. I lost $1100 dollars in all and my mother had Cowboys & Redskins tickets for us while I would have been home.
Captured By Beau

This is a nice refueling picture taken November of 1980
Captured By Beau

VF-161 F-4S Over the Indian Ocean, NOV 1980

This is a nice picture of an F4S. It was taken in November of 1980. I gave my camera to an officer in my squadron to take some pictures for me.
Captured By Beau

This was a picture taken of Task Force 70 which was assembled by Jimmy Carter during the Iranian Embassy crisis. I spent 7 months on Gonzo Staion doing circles.
Captured By Beau

RF4-B On The Ball, CV-41 September 1979

This picture was taken by an RF-4B on the ball. This was taken in September of 1979.
Captured By Beau

This is an Aerial Photo of the USS Midway taken in September of 1979
Captured By Beau

VF-161 Ordnance USS Midway FEB, 1980

This is VF-161 Ordnance "The Wild Bunch" This Photo was taken in February of 1980 on the way home from the Indian Ocean.
Captured By Beau

Just Some fun stuff I'm putting up

I'm putting up some of my favorite pictures from my Naval Career. I will be retiring in February of 2005 after 24 years of Naval Service. I'm using this to post up some of my favorite photos I have taken.
